Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
We have to become flexible enough to be bent. We need to make peace with the idea that our plans might be changed. Often times we have the best laid plans. We think up highly strategic plots, we design elaborate yet efficient blueprints for our success – be it in work, ministry, life, family, finances, marriage. But ultimately, it is in obedience that fulfilment is found. Our purpose must not override His commands, our plans must flow with His agenda’s. May the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to Him at all times. May He find me pondering on good and peaceful approaches to furthering the Kingdom as opposed to embellishing my own reputation. There is a vital growth that happens when we yield our wills and align ourselves with His work. We can be sincere and misguided at the same time. Your sincere desire to expand the kingdom can, and often is, at odds with His methods.
Often I can find myself contemplating how something will turn out, thinking about what I can do to effectively steer the outcome in my favour. I have in the past suffered loss and heartache due to negligence. Not thinking something through properly usually leads to undesirable outcomes. Hurried and sloppy work never yields quality results. These are commonly understood life facts. But what happens when our well laid plans get interrupted? Do you get frustrated when you are unable to execute a plan your way? Is anger a default for you when your comfort is threatened. Imagine you prepared well to guarantee an experience that was non threatening, having a certain degree of security garnered by the knowledge of preparation, only to have the whole process made unnecessary by a change of plans. We generally tend to lean towards frustration when our plans don’ t work out. Often times when people don’t do what we ask we can also immediately assign rejection and inferiority to the lack of reciprocation on their part. And consequently, we can also then assume God rejects us and finds us inferior when our plans get interrupted.
Have you experienced during your children’s younger years they would constantly walk in front of you, hang onto your legs, play all over the floor and hinder your tasks? How often have you been annoyed by the need to reroute your path. Look at what Jesus did when this happened to Him. Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and seeing him, he fell at his feet and implored him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.” And he went with him.
Much of Jesus’ time on earth was not His own. He was constantly interrupted. Through the gospels we read that Jesus was on His way somewhere when He was met with someone in need, it follows with “He then went…” He didn’t mind being interrupted. He went, and did.
Being interrupted is uncomfortable. It is highly challenging to feel secure when our set direction changes. We find security in knowing. This is where it becomes imperative to remember that life is about WHO you know. Rest in the knowledge of His goodness.
There will be no “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on your life. Be ready for Him to disrupt your day with His plans. Say, “I will go.” Prepare your heart with willingness, yield to His direction, lean into His voice. It might look vastly different to what you planned, the greatest fear instilled from the idea that there will be no notoriety for your efforts, for the amazing culmination of your well thought-out plan. If your flesh is feeling challenged, and unimportant, unseen and unrecognised, un-affirmed and insignificant, good! Trust that He works things out in the end. Let the desire of your heart be for Him to have His reward