Our rebirth reality from a different world is not completely off planet in origin, but different in realm. Realm is accessed through heart intent. So discerning between good & evil or spirit & flesh is hardly as religious & external as we have made it.
It is either an internal desire to satisfy self or a desire to make room for the One who is The All Consuming Fire, then also purposefully being present with Him in one’s intent & awareness. Here we become representations of His love, purity & glory, we become those who react to His intentions & desires, instead of responding to the world that is fallen because it is only concerned about “self”.
It is in regarding God & His destiny for us that we really find who we are, but it works from the inside out. This is the opposite of what a large part of Christianity teaches, they teach an “outside in” gospel & therefore it always feels like a losing battle since the world is lost to begin with!
But the truth is, in Jesus you & I have already won! We take this victory to the world so hope an arise & they can believe through the Word in us.
So it is paramount to our growth & understanding of why we are here while we make room inside of us for the reality of Christ’s victory & fulfillment.
1 John 5:4
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
Faith is fueled by knowing realities that aren’t visible(Heb11:1). So we feed off of inner thoughts, intentions & purposefully realign our reality according to His will/word. (This is why Jesus says” if you have thought it in your heart, you have committed the very act” – Mat 5)
This was not said to create greater judgement on people, but rather a reality to live according to, to really live free & access Gods promises to us, because we are not slaves to the world, we are not what we have done, we are who He says we are when we believe. Free sons of the kingdom! Our judgement becomes greater on the things that keep us back from growing in our destiny! We cut those things off! (Mat 5)
I want to encourage you to tap into your potential in Christ, because it will only remain potential, unless we intentionally grab it & start wielding it, doing this will result in stepping out in the physical & expecting results from the realm you are born from!
You are not of this world! Your world has come here, the kingdom is at hand!