Word for 2022 – You are Gods wild ox

The year of personal breakthrough. It is not the year to seek that which comforts our flesh but it is the year to look for the heart of God first.

God showed me a big strong bull and I believe through the Bible we see that the bull is mentioned for its strength and it is also known to be part of the sacrifice when the people in the Old Testament sinned. 

The last two years have been tough and I believe that God wants to show us a better way to live, the way of the wild ox(bull in the bible). It is realizing the strength and the potential that God has put in and on us, but taking responsibility to lay our life before our king has to be first. 

Knowing that this potential and strength is not for our comfort but that it is to show a life on the altar of heaven’s desires. His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven must be our very heartbeat instead of having circumstantial security. 

The Year 2022 will be our personal breakthrough, where what is on the inside will break out and carry the provision we have so needed in the years before, but our heart must be set to lay down our own need to hold onto fear, shame, guilt and using those to maintain a victim mentality. 

We will see the breakthrough and the strength of our God when we raise our head with the strong horns that the Lord has given while our hearts, minds and habits are submitted to our King. 

Even though our circumstantial state does not seem beneficial or supportive our focus and affection is on Him who has said : 

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28‭-‬29 NKJV 

The world will not be our teacher anymore, but we will learn from Him who is our True Teacher. We will watch what He does and act accordingly, also from a place of being supported by Him, instead of reacting and defending against the world. 

We are not the ox who carries the world’s heavy weight anymore, we are the wild bull for the Lord! 

Rather than just needing God to provide, our desire would be to know what we look like while we walk in the provision we need. This will be the sacrifice, trusting in His strength instead of who we are comfortable being while being in need. 

We need His strength. That is recognising real need. Personal breakthrough will touch those around you and will help bring many to a place of freedom and hope. 

Lift your horns, let Him have your weakness and let the trust in Him arise in you. Don’t forget, this is not to strive harder in your own strength, it is finding rest in Him easier. He makes you the wild ox.


Carlo Merrick
