the power and authority of god – pt 3

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every other name. Philippians 2:9-11 “

The name of the lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are safe. Proverbs 18:10

While reading the Bible we Time and time again encounter the phrase “in the name of Jesus.” We see demons cast out in His name, sickness healed in His name, Salvation come through His name, baptism happens through His name, sanctification and justification comes through His name.

The name of Jesus is powerful and has been given to us as an effective tool to wage war and establish rule over the enemy. There is nothing we cannot attain when we pray in His name. There is no enemy that can stand and persist against the name of Jesus. There is power in His name to overcome, consistently. And this power is in us! We have been made His, and He is ours, so we pray from a place of belonging. We do not pray as those who have no hope. We do not ask as some who do not have a good Father. When we realise we are already in Him, the security that comes from the safety of belonging in Him gives us the boldness to pray wild prayers, because He does not deny His own. When we choose to operate in His name, we acknowledge and utilise the gift of Power He has freely given us. We come into alignment with the truth that He still has a valued interest in the things we do while on the earth, in us as a person. Because HE is who He is, we have an assurance that our prayers are effective and we pray in great expectation of breakthrough and results. All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus. When we utilise the power of His name, we utilise an authority that reaches all areas of heaven and earth. The name of Jesus also has the highest ranking, having authority over every other name. All angels, powers, and authorities have been subjected to Him. He has given us access to His name, and to the authority that comes with it. He makes us powerful in Him. When we pray ‘in Jesus’ name,’ we call on the authority that He has. This makes us a threat to the enemy. When we pray in the name of Jesus we get to be confident, we are powerful and effective. His name affords us the upper hand, making us strong and safe. His name gives us the opportunity to live not as victims, but victoriously, overcoming in everyday things and everyday life.

Pray with me, “ Thank you Father for the authority you have given us access to through your Son, Jesus. Today, I acknowledge You as sovereign and powerful. My desire is to walk in Your power, to be effective for the Kingdom of God. Please show me Your power in my everyday life, so that I would know how to live victoriously.”