Read with me, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3
What does affection mean, and how do you “turn” it towards someone or something? Affection is essentially love, or a deep regard for someone or something. A mother feels affection for her new born, even though there is no intellectual connection made previously, and the baby is somewhat incapable of reciprocation. I think it is the same with God, He loved us first. We now have the amazing privilege of turning our love on Him in return. In order to do this, it is required that we give Him our attention, our full attention. This brings about a focus of our hearts and thoughts that is aimed at who He is and what He is doing. A refocus of heart and mind results in a subsequent realignment. Turning your attention and thoughts toward Him allows us focus and alignment with truth; with a person. In loving Jesus, it is imperative we remember that He is a person. A person we can and should interact with. Loving on Him becomes easy if we can allow the mysticism to fall away and only remember He is a person, with us and in us. He is here.
Where is your focus? Colossians urges us to set our affections, to earnestly seek, to think of and focus on the things that are above. Are you thinking higher? This does not refer to mystical, airy fairy, futuristic things, but a knowing and thinking of where He is now. Where is He? What has He accomplished? He is here! He has won. Know this, then set your love on the man who has won for you. Set your mind on the fact that He has overcome the things you are struggling with. Do not focus your thoughts on the past, or the need, or the wrongs. But earnestly seek to think on what is higher and better. Have thoughts that are elevated. Do you remember that He is exalted? Do you remember that He is seated at the right hand of the Father praying for you? Think on this. Earnestly seek to remember Him. Earnestly seek to set your love on the freedom and the grace He has given you. Forget what the flesh has done and wants. With intention, set your mind on Him.
Many people infer Colossians 3 to mean we are not to focus on earthly things, while in actuality they themselves are referring to material things. Colossians 3 is not speaking of things we have, but of things we are and do. Remember, material things cannot make you unholy or unworthy. Things are not evil. Having things do not make you unholy. But, when we allow our affections, our attention, to be held by material things, and the gain thereof, we are in direct pursuit of fulfilment of desire and lusts. This is where pride enters, which subsequently leads to all other carnalities. Earthly refers to the flesh, the carnal nature. If you love yourself and make an idol out of material things, you are thinking earthly (flesh, man) thoughts. Just as setting your mind on self (earth) takes intentional directional thinking, so setting your affections on Him is a deliberate action.
Take a moment to turn your thoughts on the fact that He died for you. He chose you. He loves you. You are dead to your sins, your past is erased, and you are free and forgiven. He did that, for you. Think on Him. Have eyes only for Him. Be intentional right now with the awareness you have of who He is. Take a deliberate thought to exalt Him, elevate Him in your eyes, and remember who He is. Interact with Jesus today. Look at Him. Love on Him. Show your affection by fellowshipping with the truth. Intimacy is what makes words become deeds.