Read with me, “The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the King of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.” Zephaniah 3:15
We live in a world where visual stimulation takes prevalence. We are bombarded with optical input, our processes firing away at sorting visual information most time of the day.
What we ultimately look at matters. What we see is important. What we view carries a weighty significance. What we focus on is a valid contributor to our state of mind.
Are you looking? What do you see? Are you seeing well? Are you seeing only what is in front of you? Caught up in the limitations of physical matter and circumstances?
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
We cannot hope in the things we can’t see. While we can’t see the things, we look to Him who initiates our faith. Faith entails a divine exchange of my perspective for His, what I can physically see for what I can’t. Yes, this makes outrageously little sense to our senses. We hope for what we can’t see. Because He enables us to indeed, see. We look to Him, we hope in Him, we taste and see; He is good. Psalm 34:8
What we see matters. When we fail to adopt His perspective, our own intuition and interpretations will fill the gap. If you neglect asking His opinion, the world will offer myriad alternatives. Opinions shout loud, experiences talk. We adopt views due our own experiential knowledge, and often times these experiences shape our view of God, and resultantly the way we see ourselves. As in the account of Jeremiah, today I want to ask you, what do you see? There was a precipice of breakthrough dependent on whether Jeremiah was able to see what God had put on display. For many of us standing in our callings will require a change of perspective. The call has been made, now make it sure. Spend time in the word, listen for His word, and see that He is good. Let evil speaking, the anticipation of disappointed not be found in your midst. See the evil, no more. Consecrate Christ in your heart, and ascribe to Him the honor that is due Him by fixing your gaze on Him. Look to Him, and be saved. Do not succumb to the despondency offered by circumstances that seem immune to change. The catalyst here is how you see Him. Look on Him. See evil no more. We cannot wait to see breakthrough before we believe. Hope is alive because He who we can’t see is alive.
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
John 20:29
I pray you may have your vision restored, today. I pray the eyes of your understanding be enlightened in the glory of His Son. I pray you will taste and see. See and know. Know He is God. Know He is good, know He is for you. Understand His plans for you are for prosperity. I pray you see Him there; dying a death that brings restored life- A happening that invigorates vision and restores your hope.