
The word meditate means to “think deeply about something. To consider, to mentally plan.” The Strong’s definition of “meditate” that we find in the Bible is from the Greek word meletaō, which means “to take care of, i.e. (by implication) revolve in the mind, imagine, (pre-)meditate”. (Source:

Meditation is used to train the mind to create awareness and attention, also to achieve mental clarity. Meditation is a learning tool, a method to hone the skill of mindfulness.

We study a scripture  just as a cow rechews it food over and over again, processing it, we re-ponder, revolve the words in our minds, rethink, repeat it, think on it again during the day, say it out load to someone else, and reread. In this way we become mindful, i.e. we make our minds full of, that text. We can approach a scripture as not just 5 minutes of quiet time, but as a tool for mental health. Meditating on His word will create greater awareness of His person. It will allow us to know Him more and truly.

Graham Cooke tells a story of how he was stuck reading Psalm 91 for over 6months. The same passage everyday for 6 months. This is a leader, a pastor, a man well-versed in Bible text, yet God took him on a journey of making just one passage his own. Only when Graham fully knew and believed the Psalm did God release him to read other passages again. He meditated on the Psalm to make it his own, everyday. God wanted Graham to really experience the reality of Himself and how He was represented in that passage.

“I have set the Lord continually before me. Because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16: 8

In the noise, meditate on His words. Through the chaos, meditate on His promises. At the start and end, meditate on Him. Meditate on Him, renew your mind.

“But Mary treasured all these things, giving careful thought to them and pondering them in her heart.”
Luke 2:19