Read with me, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:10
(Actually just read all of Romans 5 and 10, or for bonus points read Romans in its entirety. 😉
Grace, by faith brings salvation. Yet, it is clear our way of speaking has a direct impact on our perception of salvation. When we believe, grace enables us and we are saved. It is a done deal, a completed work, finished on the Cross. There is no deficit, the transaction has been completed – you are saved by Grace. It is imperative that we understand the work of the Cross is a completed work, not lacking, not wanting. But it is also important we understand that the work of the Cross is transactional. In other words, I carry some responsibility in the process of seeing the full benefits take effect in my life. It is important to understand that this amazing transaction encourages your co-laboring with Jesus to live a full and free life. How is this done? Let’s take a look at Romans 10 again, it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Why is this important? Because faith comes by hearing. What you say, you hear. If I am constantly reminding myself that I am a failure, or that Jesus is not for me, soon enough I believe this and start living a life testifying of my faith. I remind myself I am saved, anointed, appointed, called, chosen, set-apart, capable, able, empowered, loved, treasured, cherished, valued, purposed, etc. When we speak, our narrative needs to reflect the sound ideas of love and truth. When in conversation, our words regarding ourselves need to reflect the value He has for us. Let no unwholesome talk come from your lips. Let your speech give grace to those who listen, including yourself. Let there be an active agreement with Him, a voluntary participation with the Truth.
Verse 8 is astounding to me,
– But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,”[ that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim.
This is the word of faith that we proclaim, the Word, the truth. Not your opinion (yes, you are important), not your perceptions (yes, they are valid), not your interpretations (yes, you are allowed to have them), and not your circumstances (they do not define you), but His truth. What do you believe? If I were to sit in front of you right now and ask you who you are, would you reply like this?
“ I am a sinner,” “ I am poor,” “I am weak,” “I am a failure.”
What we speak matters. What we speak has an impact on our quality of life. Let this same mind be in you that was also in Christ. You have received His grace, and it is enough. Speak as if you believe Him. Put your name in here and say,” His grace is enough for __________.”
I don’t know about you, but I have often found myself experiencing feelings that indicate how insufficient my efforts are. I look at my life and I can honestly testify to mistakes and sin. He gently reminds me, where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. I am reminded that salvation asks no questions, it urges you only to believe. Justification comes by believing. We know we cannot work for it, we have to believe for it. Faith in Him works. Realize this today, it doesn’t take one you to unravel your destiny, it doesn’t take one action to lose your purpose – it took one Man- one act -to bring life, restoration, justification, eternal life to all men.