Read with me, “ And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14
As my friends and I were discussing what Easter means to us, the concept of having victory kept coming up. It seemed, collectively, we all shared a hope that we would have victory over circumstances. Here were a bunch of ladies of all ages, demographics, and walks of life testifying that they were so very reminded of His ability in us to be see victory over every onslaught of the enemy. An awareness of His ability to make all things new, to bring life and restoration. And let me tell you, some of these girls are fighting hard battles. What admirable faith! IT encouraged me to hope and become excited about the future. I could see Him rise, offering deliverance to those hoped. But suddenly I felt a sense of doubt in my celebration. My heart was fearing arrogance. How can I celebrate in the face of death? It was my sin that put Him there. I felt a tinge of shame as I thought of this wonderful deed Christ did for me evoking such a boldness is my heart. Should the fact that He suffered not make me sad? Should I not walk head upside down to show my humility. Maybe if I had showed some remorse I would be deserving? Should I not weep constantly in awe of such mercy? Oh, but I do feel sad and shameful, God, I thought. Immediately God reminded me it was for freedom that we were made free. He did not suffer to put us to shame. It was for Joy that he suffered.
The Cross was an extremely costly sacrifice. If we can understand that He bought us access to Himself we will jump for joy. When we choose to live in shame of any form, we cheapen the price He paid. Shame often represents in us trying to hard, judging too harshly, feeling inadequate, lack of boldness, constantly needing to have the answers, validating our own shortcomings, justifying living distant from His presence. We do not have to live in shame. We have been bought. We belong to Him. He paid the ultimate price so we do not have to. Freedom means we get to live, it means we get to live HOLY. It brings Him joy when we embrace the fullness of the cross and live in such a way that honors our belief. Honoring Him looks like boldness, action, love, hope, freedom, and obedience.We believe He died for us, because He loved us so. Live like you believe He paid it all. It can be a daunting and overwhelming idea to think that your debt has been paid by the very Son of God. But be encouraged today, He had a choice, and He chose you. The one who created you chose to keep you. Today, if you hear His call, respond. Choose Him, also. Accept the call, revel in His love, embrace His words, and lay down your reasoning that wants to give you all the reasons you cannot ever overcome. It was for you. It was for love. He endured for Joy! Take the courage to love on Him by accepting that He loved you then, and He loves you still. He knew you then, everything you would do, everything you would be, and He still chose to die for you. Today, lay aside yourself. Lay aside the pride that would have you living in sin and working for righteousness. Love on Him, be with Him, speak to Him. Partake of His nature by embracing the fact that He is Love, and that He chose you.
Pray with me, “Father, thank you for sending your Son to die for me. Thank you for loving me and choosing me, daily. Help me live in a way that honors the You. Forgive me for the times I have doubted you and denied you. Today, I vow to live according to You purposes and not my own.”